Lean manufacturing consulting

Pro Lean Academy
Optimize Your Manufacturing Process with Lean Expertise

0.4 Lean Manufacturing
Our Lean Manufacturing Solutions

Lean Assessment & Strategy Development

Process Optimization & Waste Reduction

Continuous Improvement

Just-In-Time (JIT) Production

Lean Supply Chain Management

Performance Monitoring & Metrics

Intelligent Quality eQMS


Total Quality Management Excellence(TQMEX)
How to implement Lean manufacturing
We have unique to select the lean project for your industries. We do competitive study and help you identify the right project with priority for your organization.
Gap Analysis
Lean Project Selection and Lean Tool Selection
implementation phase
Why Lean manufacturing is important?
Day by day customer demand Is increasing. Labor cost material cost keep increasing. Other side customers keep asking for better quality is at a lower price. This situation creates building pressure on every business to reduce cost improve delivery with better quality.
So you need to reduce waste and improve the process. One of the ways to implement cost reduction is to Implement Lean tools.
- Cost Reduced
- Reduce lead time
- Waste reduction
- Improved productivity
- Reducing work in progress
- Reduce defects
- Reducing waiting Time
- Reducing change over time
- Better utilization of space and equipment

How lean manufacturing can help you?
Using more raw material than necessary
Not only are you buying, transporting, and storing the extra raw material in the first place, but you then have to pay to transport and dispose of damaged or obsolete goods.
Spending more time to develop and produce your products and services
You’re not just making the customer wait — you’re also consuming energy, wasting people’s time, and using facilities to store and move around materials and work. And there’s the opportunity cost of delayed payment.
Making mistakes
Not only mistake frustrating to you, your coworkers, and your management, as well as the customer, but you have to spend more time and use more materials doing it over.
Overproducing and carrying excess inventory
Excess inventory directly wastes space. Plus, it has to be handled and maintained. And what’s the sense in making more than you’re selling?
Using more space than necessary
Space is facility and capital cost, as well as the energy and labor to maintain it.
Spending more money than necessary
It doesn’t take an accountant to know that spending more money than you should get something done is wasteful!
Using more equipment and tools than necessary
Not only are those extra tools and equipment expensive, but they also have to be stored, repaired, and maintained.
Involving more people than necessary
People are extremely valuable and expensive, and they should be engaged in doing only what’s most important.
Having incorrect or incomplete information or instructions
It results in mistakes, rework, scrap, lost time, and missed deadlines — plus, it can be hazardous.
Having people work improperly
This is the most wasteful of all. Not only is it a direct waste of time and effort, but it’s damaging to the psyche and to morale. It’s also potentially physically harmful and dangerous.

Why Choose Lean Manufacturing Consulting
Why Choose Us

Industry Expertise

Custom Solutions

Proven Results